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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tanzania banks on ports expansion to boost regional trade

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Tanzania is investing in ports expansion and construction to enhance regional trade, the country’s prime minister has said.

Mr Kassim Majaliwa has said that the strategy being spearheaded by the government is to ensure that all ports in the country are in good shape to allow Tanzanians trade seamlessly with the rest of the world.

He was speaking in public rallies at both Kabwe Ward in Nkasi District Rukwa Region, where he officially inaugurated the terminal at Lake Tanganyika as well as laying foundation stone at Kasanga Port in Kalambo District, Rukwa Region which is undergoing expansion at the cost of Tsh4.7 billion.

“The projects, upon completion will open up this zone as an important economic gateway and boost trade between Tanzania and three neighbouring countries;Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia and Burundi,” said Mr Majaliwa.

The Prime Minister said that the expansion of Kasanga Port was crucial because it will ease transportation of goods and people straight to DRC as opposed to the current situation, where they have to take longer routes, passing through other countries.

“Upon completion, this project will help improve the per capita income of people in this area and the

According to Daily News Tanzania is also planning to carry out major rehabilitation on the oldest ship on Lake Tanganyika, MV Liemba. The vessel had been plying on Lake Tanganyika for more than 100 years.

On its part, Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) has finished construction of Kabwe Port at the cost of Tsh7.49 billion, where big ships would be able to dock at the terminal. Currently, only engine -powered boats travel to the precinct.

Rukwa region on the other hand will get a new airport as preparations for the construction of Sumbawanga airport at a cost of Tsh55bn are in top gear.

The airport project is designed to involve the construction of runways and its aprons at tarmac level, parking area, surveillance radar, car parking, passengers’ lounge and a fence.

Tanzania says it will continue investing in flagship project in the country targeting to attain middle income economy by 2025.Minister for Finance and Planning, Dr Philip Mpango says that top in the list is the ongoing construction of the central railway line to Standard Gauge.

Other include:the construction of Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (2,115 MW), strengthening Air Tanzania Company Ltd, facilitating construction of Crude Oil Pipeline Project from Hoima (Uganda) to Tanga (Tanzania).

According to the Tanzanian budget that was read recently, Tsh2.10 trillion has been allocated for Standard Gauge Railway project while Tsh1.60 trillion has been alocated for the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project at Rufiji River and Tsh823.7 billion set aside for Railway development.

According to Africa Construction Trend 2019 released by consultancy firm Deloitte,Tanzania is now at per with Kenya in terms of infrastructure projects, both recording 51 projects in 2019.

And it is a trend that Tanzania is keen take a notch higher with ports expansion.

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