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Ethiopian contractors registration & deregistration process

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Ethiopian contractors registration& deregistration process is a very detailed and elaborate one.

First of all, construction professionals and contractors desiring to carry out activity related to construction works in Ethiopia must  Ministry of Urban Development and Construction.

Foreign construction professionals and contractors who may undertake any activity related to construction works in Ethiopia are also obliged to register with the Ministry though such undertakings may be for a definite duration of time and under special agreement with a government organization.

All foreign contractors can be registered as General Contractors class one only.

We look at the Ethiopian contractors registration& deregistration process

Ethiopian contractors registration& deregistration process



The Certificate of Registration shall contain:

  1. a) Full name of the registered applicant and name of firm:
  2. b) His, her or its business address:
  3. c) Category and grade or professional classification and specialized fields:
  4. d) Date of first registration:
  5. e) Dates of all subsequent renewals:
  6. f) Full name and photograph of the Technical manager;
  • The certificate of registration shall bear the seal of the Ministry and being serially numbered, shall be signed by the committee chairman.
  • In the event a certificate is lost or destroyed and such a loss or destruction is proved to the satisfaction of the committee, a duplicate of such registration certificate may be issued to the holder upon payment of twenty (20) Birr for professionals and thirty (30) Birr for contractors.

Rejection of Application

 The committee shall reject an application for registration on any one of the following grounds:

1)  Has been adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound mind, or

2) Has been convicted by court of competent jurisdiction, whether in Ethiopia or elsewhere, of any offense involving fraud or dishonesty, or

3) Is found unfit to satisfactorily carry on business by reason of his physical or mental disability as may be certified by a competent physician.

4) Does not fulfill the specified requirements in this Directives.

Renewal of Registration

1) Registration of construction professionals may be valid for a period of two      calendar years beginning from the year of such registration and may be renewal for every two successive calendar years.

2) Registration of Contractors shall be valid for a period of one calendar year beginning from the year of such registration and may be renewed every calendar year thereafter.

3) . No registration may be renewed unless the person seeking renewal has complied with the requirements for registration set out herein.

4) . Persons applying for renewal within three years after the expiry date of their certificate of registration may renew their certificate upon payment of the arrears plus 50% of renewal fee for the period not renewed.

5) . Any registration that is not renewed within three years of its expiry date shall be deemed to be canceled automatically.

6)   Application for renewal or upgrading shall be made in FORM No.3

Suspension of Registration Certificate

A registration certificate may be suspended by the committee if its holder:

1)  Shows misconduct or gross negligence in matters related to his professional practice: or

2) Employ Government employees without requiring them release of employment: or

3)  Fails to abide by the requirements in this Directives and Rules & Regulations which may be issued by the Ministry from time to time.

4)  On Suspension, the certificate shall be returned forth with to the office which issued it.


Cancellation or revocation of certificate

A certificate of registration shall be canceled or revoked as the case may be:-

  • When the registered person dies, is incapacitated, quits the business or fails to comply with the requirements in this Directives, is not renewed within three years of its expiry date shall be deemed to be canceled automatically or other Rules and Regulations which may be issued by the Ministry from time to time;
  • When measures taken by the government are incompatible with the registration;
  • When registered juridical person is bankrupt or dissolved.


1) Upon receipt of notification of the rejection of their application, or suspension, cancellation or revocation of their certificates of registration applicants or registered person may within  thirty  (30) days  from the date of receipt of the said notification, appear before the committee in defense of their application;

  • The committee shall fix the place and time of hearing and shall give adequate notice thereof to the concerned applicant;
  • If the applicant fails to defend his, her or its application within the prescribed thirty (30) days, hearing shall take place;
  • Having heard the defense of the applicant, the committee shall submit its decisions in writing to the Construction Industry development and Regulatory bureau head of his approval or views thereon.


Individuals and juridical persons registered or to be registered may be represented by legally authorized individuals.


If the bearer of a contractor’s certificate of registration if incapacitated or dies, then the certificate is eligible for transfer to the legal inheritor provided the inheritor fulfills the requirements of these Directives.

  1. Follow-up

The Licensing and Registration team in the Contractors, Professionals and Construction Equipment Registration Department of the Ministry shall be responsible to follow-up the decision of the committee that each registered person under these guidelines is operating legally and efficiently in accordance with the requirements under which his, hers or its certificate of registration is issued.

And that is thestep-by-step guide on  Ethiopian contractors registration& deregistration process.

Also Read

Education requirements for construction professionals in Ethiopia

How to register as a contractor in Ethiopia

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